
Monday, May 27, 2024

My Active Muse is a flower garden


My poem, "Flower Garden," is up on Active Muse (Vasant poems 2024).  Active Muse is a wonderful literary publication based in Pune, India. It is put together by editors, Shashi Kadapa, Savita Narayan, and Chaitali Gawade. My deepest thanks to them, especially poetry editor Chaitali. I feel like they were being kind and generous to publish this poem because it has a couple qualities that might get it rejected in American journals. Rhyme and meter, mainly. Plus, the topic is something I sometimes find tedious in poems: flower gardens.

It seems like many poets are gardeners and write about the pride they take in their growing. They go on and on about their pretty plants while the world outside is on the brink. I, generally, go for more stickery topics, the weeds let's say. But I did write this poem after I moved out of the apartment and into a house with a yard. And I'm learning to garden. Anyway, I liked it and hoped the team at Active Muse would too. And they did and here it is:

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