
Monday, August 5, 2024

Sitting on the Mantelpiece in Iceland

I've pubished here and there, but this one is very very special to me. Because the journal (The Mantlepiece) is from Reykjavik, Iceland. My uncle Nik Gudmonds was an Icelander, by way of Berkeley, and he was the great storyteller of the family. My own origin is part Norwegian, another Nordic nation. I've always wanted to visit Iceland, and I certainly will soon. The population of the entire nation is about the size of the city of Florence, Italy (380,000). And yet there is so much art and culture.

A good example is The Mantlepiece, edited by Lillian Heimisdottir. She's extremely friendly, but also very professional. She chose my poem, "A Political Manifesto," for the June issue. I thank her and all the people involved in this wonderful publication.

The poem begins with a quote from Kurt Vonnegut: “Wake up, you idiots! Whatever made you think that money was so valuable?” The title would lead you to believe that the speaker is an activist, completely convinced of what they are doing. The poem tells otherwise. Read it to find out more, to be "down with the struggle." But also read the entire issue. There is fiction, reviews, essays, travel, food & drink, and so on. What a variety of interesting stuff! Read this beautiful journal from Iceland, every issue.

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