Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What They're Saying About Exile's Choice, part two

Enrico De Lea, a friend, poet and lawyer that I met in Messina working with the local Partito Radicale back in the 1980s, wrote this about Exile's Choice: 

"Pedersen's choice speaks to us essentially of a common experience, a state of exile that manifests itself in many ways, from one place to another, from one age to another, from one human encounter to another, even from one self to another self. His exile confirms the almost-physical residency of a poetic voice in whatever country/language he migrates to, with verses of rare lyrical quality and effective communication, through the idyll and the epos, memory and self-analysis, blues and irony, by which readers feel not merely involved but recognizable in their own movement through their inner lives. That's the choice that chooses us."

Thanks Enrico.

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