Thursday, March 16, 2023

Trip Danse the Light Macabre Fantastic

Danse Macabre is one of my favorite literary magazines. It's clever and funny and full of gems. In the latest issue (148) you can read five of my recent poems. The titles are "Morning News," "One Eyed Monster 2020," "The Purpose of Nothing," "Smokey's Friends," and "Stormcoming." I hold back nothing. These were written in the 2020-2022 and reflect my anger, fear, frustration and disappointment with my fellow humans. I wasn't feeling hopeful for a better future for the world. I'm still not.

Adam Henry Carrière is the editor, I call him 'boss', he calls himself 'Verleger und Herausgeber', which sounds a lot classier. He's a prince. Thanks again, Adam.

So, you know, check it out. 

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